Songbird full movie online
Songbird full movie online

His slogan: “Rich people need their shit!” Ain’t that the truth. Here, those rich people are represented by William and Piper Griffin (Bradley Whitford and Demi Moore respectively, the former really doubling down on his post-“Get Out” persona as white privilege incarnate), a married power couple who must have been on the brink of divorce right when the pandemic froze everyone in place.


Played by “Riverdale” actor and human-shaped ab transportation device KJ Apa (whose previous movie had the misfortune of being released in theaters right at the start of lockdown), our hero is out there on the streets day in and day out, living his best life as he LARPs “Death Stranding” and delivers illegal packages into ultraviolet mailboxes for a supplier named Lester ( Craig Robinson), who seems to operate a one-man Amazon out of his warehouse. The only people who seem to leave their homes are the imaginatively named “Immunies,” who are identified by bio-coded yellow bracelets and all seem to work as couriers or corpse-removers.

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And yet, somehow, the virus continues to spread (anyone who expects that “somehow” to be addressed needs to considerably lower their expectations for the kind of thought that went into “Songbird”). In other words, COVID-23 is a death sentence however you slice it. has been living - or not living - under various states of quarantine for 213 consecutive weeks, with the infected targeted by a mandatory government phone app and herded into ominous Q-Zones from which there is no escape. The story takes place in a near-future where 110 million people have died from COVID-23, which is both horrifying to imagine, and also inexplicably great considering that the virus seems to kill just about everyone who isn’t immune to it. (The press notes contend that nobody got sick, though it’s hard to accept such a claim at face value given how this virus spreads.) Fauci wants, the production’s adherence to safety protocols is borne out by its run-and-gun aesthetic. With the glorious exception of “Borat Subsequent Moviefilm,” no other moviefilm has worked harder to make lemonade out of this lemon year, and while “Songbird” sure feels like some hot and bothered Republican fear-mongering about the future that Dr.

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There are recognizable actors here, and some of them even share locations, move through locked-off streets, and engage in boringly generic shootouts that are bad for reasons that have nothing to do with social distancing. That ultra-accelerated schedule is both a feature and a bug: There’s a raw, B-movie thrill to the experience of watching a (relatively) lavish, Michael Bay-produced thriller that was unambiguously made during and about “these uncertain times,” and the worm-brained shittiness of the story’s dystopian approach to public health has a perverse way of amplifying that grindhouse appeal. The project announces its own topicality before the studio company logos have even played out during the opening credits, as snippets of news audio bark at us about the death toll of COVID-23 (a mutated coronavirus that’s evolved to attack brain tissue and kill people within 48 hours of infection), and not a single minute of the slapdash movie that follows allows you to forget that it was conceived, pitched, written, shot, edited, and released since lockdown started in March. Adam Mason’s schlocky and opportunistic “ Songbird” is billed as the first Hollywood feature to be made during quarantine, and this impressively scaled pandemic-themed riff on “The Purge” couldn’t be prouder of itself for that accomplishment.

Songbird full movie online